
Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about robotics. The past 10 days I and my team members were working on robotics. It was really fun and I learned a lot of things about coding which I will be telling you about.

I and my teammates had to do 3 challenges which are the 10-meter challenge were we had to drive the rover which is the machine 10 meters with no problems. The second challenge was the maze challenge were we had to do a maze our teacher set up and finish it under 90 seconds and we got 58 seconds after 4-5 tires. The last challenge was the autonomous challenge were we had to make our own maze and then press one button on the keyboard and the rover will do the whole maze.

I have learned that everything in coding takes patience everything will not work the first time and you will have to try multiple times. Also, it will take a team effort to do anything. If you don’t have any experience in coding you will need a lot of tips and videos about coding to watch to even make it go forward, backwards, to the right, and to the left. When my group was coding we had multiple failures and if we got lucky we got a couple of successes. 

I hoped that all you guys like my blog. Come back every other Friday to see a new blog and to stay tuned. Happy Halloween to everyone and have a great time eating candy (I was writing this during Halloween). Have an awesome day and see you next time on Aryan’s blog.